Continuing Education
The JCM is developing articles that will be accredited
by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
for GP Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points.
Pharmacists, however, can already
get even more from the JCM — points to go towards
their continuing professional development programs.
The Journal carries
articles that are ACPP-approved for Continuing Pharmacy
(CPE) points for pharmacists
who are members of the Australian
College of Pharmacy Practice and Management or
who subscribe to the CPE self-assessment program.
Click on the links below to download the CPE evaluation
forms for the following JCM articles:
2.2 Milk thistle
Vol 2.3 Echinacea
2.4 Guarana Drug–liquorice
Vol 2.5 Saw Palmetto
Vol 2.5 Ginseng-drug interactions
Vol 2.6 Garlic-drug interactions
Vol 2.6 Valerian
Vol 3.1 Green Tea
Vol 3.1
Milk Thistle Interactions
Vol 3.2 Black Cohosh
Vol 3.3 Feverfew
Vol 3.4 Garlic
Vol 3.5 Brahmi
Vol 3.6 Andrographis
Volume 4.1 did not feature CPE questions for
the Aloe vera monograph. Answers to the CPE questions for
the Andrographis
monograph in Vol 3.6 are: 1. a, b, d 2. c, d 3. b 4. a, b,
c, d 5. a, b
Vol 4.2
Vol 4.3
Olive-leaf extract
Vol 4.4
Vol 4.4
Herbs used in menopause
Vol 4.5
Volume 4.5 did not feature CPE answers for the Menopause herb interactions monograph in Vol 4.4. These are: 1. a, b, c 2. b, c, d 3. a, b, c 4. c, d 5. b
Vol 4.6
Vol 5.1
Slippery elm
Vol 5.2
Grape-seed extract
Vol 5.3
Globe artichoke
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