Editorial Submissions
The Editor welcomes
editorial submissions and enquiries to The Journal
of Complementary
Medicine. Due to its busy
readership’s time constraints, however, the Journal
regrettably cannot publish full-text original research
articles, systematic reviews or meta-analyses. Editorial
emphasis is on material that is relevant to its readership’s
clinical practice.
Generally, the editorial style is as concise, practical
and straightforward as possible, and sensitive to its readership’s
scientific background. Clinical content should be evidence-based,
endnoted in Vancouver style, and may be subject to peer
review. Contact the Editor for
more information.
Commercial promotional material is not run in editorial — contact Sales & Marketing for
advertising and advertorial enquiries.
There are a number of ways in which editorial can be contributed
to the JCM:
• Letters to
the Editor — these
can address any topic related to natural healthcare,
but their publication
will depend on their relevance and interest to readers.
They should be no more than 200 words and may be edited.
Correspondents not wishing their letter to be published
should advise that their letter is not for publication
News Briefs — short news items on issues affecting
complementary health and its interface in mainstream primary
healthcare, both in Australia and abroad. Material of interest
usually includes relevant media releases, epidemiological
studies, population surveys, clinical trials or published
reviews or meta-analyses
Acute & Chronic — comprehensive, evidence-based
review articles on complementary treatments for health
conditions and complaints that commonly present in surgeries
or pharmacies. Each condition has the evidence of the most
popular or researched modalities used to prevent or manage
it reviewed *
Therapy in Focus — a complementary therapy or practice
reviewed for its background, theory, techniques, evidence,
patient assessment and treatment, education, regulation,
professional associations and integration with mainstream
medical treatment *
At Work — practical articles for GPs or pharmacists,
explaining how complementary medicines or therapies can
be integrated with their clinical practice. This section
is more freestyle than others in the Journal, and articles
may include particular interventions for specific conditions,
peripheral issues, commentary or case studies
Botanical Medicine — includes a monograph on a commonly
used herbal medicine, commentary on a topical issue by
a phytotherapist, and a review article on Herb–Drug
Interactions by the University of Sydney’s Herbal
Medicines Research and Education Centre * CPE
Debates & Issues — debates usually involve two
parties adopting an argument for and against a specific
proposition; issues involve a few or several parties addressing
one of the many topical issues in complementary medicine.*
•Lifestyle — reviews of therapies or conditions that are closely
associated to lifestyle factors that patients can readily engage with and that
primary healthcare practitioners may prescribe or recommend*
•Nutrition Notes — reports,
commentary or analyses of nutrients or nutraceuticals
and their role in health
maintenance or disease treatment*
•Functional Foods — the
interface between therapy and diet, where foods with
specific health benefit beyond
their inherent nutritional value are used to prevent or
treat health conditions*
Diet Analysis — popular diets, whether for weight
loss, therapeutic intervention or general health maintenance,
reviewed for their impact and advice on how to manage
a patient who goes on one. *
Women’s Health — reviews on complementary
treatments available for diseases and conditions more
relevant to
female health. Women are prime consumers of complementary
medicine, so the JCM devotes a section to natural
therapies they use. *
Journal Digest — short summaries of recently published
articles on complementary, integrative and natural medicine
from the world’s biomedical journals. If you know
a study that may be worth summarising, contact the Editor
On the Fringe — a brief review of a modality or medicine
that may not have scientific evidence to support its
use, but which may be of therapeutic interest to consumers
hence their primary healthcare practitioners.
Resource Review – reviews of recently published books,
websites or CD–ROMs on complementary or integrative
medicine. If you would like to review a resource or can
recommend one suitable for review, contact the Editor
Reference Section — a MIMS-style, fact-based essential
reading section with cut-out-and-keep value. If you have
data that readers would consider indispensable, contact
the Editor
Professional Development — a calendar of events for
readers, listing relevant conferences, exhibitions, trade
shows, seminars, courses, symposia and workshops. For
inclusion of an event, contact
the Editor
Complement Fixation — irreverent comment from the
coalface of integrative medical practice. If you have
anything that may amuse its author, contact The
* These articles are
peer reviewed by the Editorial Board or other appropriate
CPE These
articles accredited for Continuing Pharmacy Education
by the Australian College
of Pharmacy Practice, see Continuing Education