Table of Contents
5 No 4—JULY / AUGUST 2006
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Revised nutrient intake levels
Prof Samir Samman explains the NHRMC's updated recommended daily intakes
Developments in complementary health
New nutrition standards target chronic disease; Menopause and CM - an algorithm explains what to do plus new research on isoflavones; Arginine's adverse effect on post-MI patients; Vitamins C and E don't stop pre-eclampsia; A mechanism for omega-3 cardioprotection; Essential fatty acids for fatty liver; PUFA replace NSAIDs for back and neck pain; Sugarcane cholesterol supplement sparks Cuban crisis
Acute & Chronic
Lactation problems
How large a role can natural traditional remedies play for mastitis and nipple problems in breastfeeding mothers, asks Dr Lily Tomas
Therapy in Focus
Creative arts therapies
Music, art and dance therapy have good evidence for a range of mental and physical problems, yet are under-utilised in Australia, finds John Kron
At Work
In the surgery — surgeries selling CM
The vexed question of general practice as complementary product retailer is addressed by Kellie Bisset
In the pharmacy — paediatric dosing
The dilemma of how to safely administer natural medicines to infants and children is explored by Christine A Houghton
Nutrition Notes
Optimal prenatal nutrition
Mothers' nutrition during gestation has long-term health ramifications for the developing foetus. Pharmacist Jan Roberts provides a general overview
Holistic Casebook
A couple's difficulty in conceiving is resolved with Chinese herbs aimed at kidney energy, recounts Dr Ven Tan
Integrative management of the age-old infant problem is explained by Dr Carole Hungerford
Debates & Issues
ADHD, diet and the brain
In the face of mounting ADHD diagnosis and widespread prescription of potent psychoactives, a GP and psychologist discuss causation and natural treatment options
The Whole Truth
Use it or lose it
Cognitive decline isn't what it used to be, finds Prof Stephen P Myers
To the Point
Hay fever
Dr David Mitchell explains the points to needle for seasonal allergic rhinitis
Botanical Medicine
CPE Chasteberry
Traditionally associated with reproductive health, vitex's potency in PMS is now being confirmed in clinical trials, says pharmacist Lesley Braun
Journal Digest
Summaries of CM research by Jason Hawrelak, commentary by Prof Stephen P Myers
Pollen preparation perks up prostates — Urology
Flax and vitamin C improve ADHD — Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
Iyengar yoga allays women's anxiety — Medical Science Monitor
Low-fat diet and omega — 3 fats in MS — Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
Flower remedies don't fix ADHD symptoms — European Journal of Paediatric Neurology
Vitamin C improves schizophrenia — Psychopharmacology
Tomato extract lowers blood pressure — American Heart Journal
Reference Section
Herbs Contraindicated in Pregnancy
Nutrient Reference Values
Resource Review
Doctors and pharmacists review the latest texts and CD-ROMs
Low-back Syndromes: Integrated Clinical Management by Craig E Morris — Norman Broadhurst
Essentials of Complementary Medicine CD: The Immune System by Michael Schildberger and Michael Alexander — David Preswick
Applied Anatomy & Physiology of Yoga by Simon Borg-Oliver and Bianca Machliss — Clive Salzer
Fundamentals of Complementary and Integrative Medicine by Marc S Micozzi — Adam Rish
Professional Development
Ongoing, current and upcoming events
How, where and when to learn more about complementary medicine - courses, seminars and workshops for healthcare professionals around Australia
A guide to the range of complementary services available
Positions Vacant
Complement Fixation
An irreverent column to kick the sacred cows and stampede the science. All feedback is most welcome

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